
Sunday, April 1, 2012

I (Robert) just finished a visit to Case Western Reserve University yesterday.  I was checking out the area and the Physics program to see if that is where we would like to spend the next five years.  Cleveland was impressive to say the least.  Once we got into the city I only saw two fast food restaurants: one Popeyes, and one Subway.  All the other places were small restaurants, many of them one of a kind.  So they get and A+ for food.

They also get and A+ for opportunities for Heather and an A- for opportunities for me.  Everyone was very cordial when I spoke with them.  Professors were excited about their research and students enjoyed being there.  It is only about 1.5-2 times the size of USU's Physics department so it felt like a nice fit for me.  It was a wonderful trip which makes my decision very difficult.

I have not visited UNC but I have talked to many professors there via phone and e-mail.  A couple of guys I know have also been accepted there so I talked to them about their experiences.  It sounds like a great place but definitely different than Case.  In they end I'm not really sure where we will end up for the next few years but we are going to try and decide before the end of the week.

By way of a quick update about Heather: she found out recently that her service hours are due April 15 instead of May 1 like she had thought so life is getting very busy for her.  I'm confident she will make it through but she is stressed pretty badly right now.  Hooray for looking ahead to the end of the semester!

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