We are in the last week of finals and it is shaping up to be a difficult one. Heather is doing staff relief at the hospital this week, has about six online quizzes she needs to take, and her one final has been moved to this Friday instead of next Monday because her professor is having her baby this weekend! We are praying hard she will be able to get through all of it.
Because of Heather's schedule I have become the official cook/baker. On Monday Heather needed treats for her class in Salt Lake and today she needs some for a meeting at the hospital tomorrow. Which is why I am awake at 1AM waiting for my dough to rise. I will post pictures of the final product. : )
It was so good I didn't get a picture until it was half-eaten! |
In more exciting news the Aggies are going bowling! We haven't made it to a bowl game in years but we made it this year with a 7-5 record. I had become accustomed to 4 win seasons so this is sensational (even if it is just the Idaho Potato Bowl).